

Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3 (Example)

Just add this binding to your Key Bindings - User file: {keys: [alt+shift+f], command: reindent, args: {single_line: false}}.

Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3

Just add this binding to your Preferences > Key Bindings - User file: {keys: [alt+shift+f], command: reindent, args: {single_line: false}}

How to indent XML files automatically when opened in Sublime Text ...

To indent / prettify / beautify XML, I use SublimeText Indent plugin: Install the package with Package Control (search indentxml).

Autoindent on Sublime Text

Just Ctrl+Shift+P (or Command+Shift+P on MacOS) to open the tools pallet, type reindent, and pick Indentation: Reindent Lines. It should reindent all the file ...

Autoindentation in Sublime 2 text editor

Press Ctrl + Shift + P, then I, and the option Indentation : Reindent Lines should come first. Press Enter and it's done.

Auto Indent HTML in Sublime Text on Save

Manual Auto-indent for HTML · Select the HTML you want to indent · Go to the Edit > Line > Reindent menu. This will perform the reindent ...

Indentation Settings - Tab

Indentation settings determine the size of the tab stops, and control whether the Tab key should insert tabs or spaces. In addition to the automatic ...

Indentation Settings

Automatic Indentation​​ Sublime Text will automatically increase and decrease the indentation levels at the appropriate times.

Indentation Settings

Indentation Settings determine the size of the tab stops, and control whether the tab key should insert tabs or spaces. In addition to the automatic detection, ...

Sublime Text Line and Indentation Tools (Tutorial #2)

Join my 2024 Bootcamp course experience Download Sublime Text (Buy it if you love ...